Graduate T.A.

Public Economy - Level 2 (Fall 2024) of Pr. Antoine Ferey and Pr. Pierre Cahuc - Sciences Po (School of Public Affairs)

Law and Economics (Fall 2024) of Pr. Roberto Galbiati - Sciences Po (School of Public Affairs)

PhD Track - Macroeconomics II (Spring 2022, 2023, 2024) of Pr. Jean Barthelemy - Sciences Po (School of Research)

Understanding the World Economy (Spring 2022, 2023, 2024) of Pr. Nicolas Coeurdacier – Sciences Po (School of Management and Innovation)

Understanding Economic Fluctuations (Fall 2021, 2022, 2023) of Pr. Nicolas Coeurdacier – Sciences Po (School of Management and Innovation)

Managerial Economics (Fall 2020, 2021) of Pr. Michele Fioretti – Sciences Po (School of Management and Innovation)